Advisory Committee

Berkeley Clean Energy Campus Advisory Committee

The Berkeley Clean Energy Campus Advisory Committee provides input and advice to campus leadership as we build a decarbonized energy system for the campus. The advisory committee helps to: guide the campus in making future-focused investments in our aging utility infrastructure; achieve University, State and Federal energy and carbon goals; demonstrate a replicable and scalable clean microgrid model for public institutions; and leverage UC Berkeley’s brain-trust to provide unique living lab partnerships.

The initial work of the Advisory Committee focused on the campus Integrated Resource & Activation Plan (IRAP) - a critical feasibility planning document to pinpoint the best technical and financial solutions required to move to the formal design phase of the new energy system. The Advisory Committee will next provide input into the design, financing and construction stages.  

The Advisory Committee includes faculty, staff, students, and campus administrators who provide a broad range of expertise and perspectives that will contribute to the success of this multifaceted and complex initiative. The Committee will meet four to six times a year. Sub-groups of the committee may be formed to address specific topics. 

Advisory Committee Members - 2024

Executive Sponsor

Marc Fisher, Vice Chancellor, Administration


Sally McGarrahan, Associate Vice Chancellor, Facilities Services

Kira Stoll, Chief Sustainability & Carbon Solutions Officer


David Ackerly, Dean, College of Natural Resources, Professor of Integrative Biology 

Max Aufhammer, Associate Dean, Division of Social Sciences, College of L&S, Chair-Academic Senate

Renee Chow, William W. Wurster Dean; Professor of Architecture and Urban Design

Holly Doremus, Associate Dean, School of Law, Professor - Environmental Regulation

McKalee Steen, Graduate Assembly President 

Dan Feitelberg, Interim Vice Chancellor of Finance and CFO

Marc Fisher, Vice Chancellor of Administration

Ashok Gadgil, Professor, Civil Engineering

Viola Phillips Frank, ASUC President undergraduate designee

Jenna Johnson-Hanks, Executive Dean, College of Letters & Science, Professor of Demography

Ben Hermalin, Executive Vice Chancellor and Provost

Wendy Hillis, Assistant Vice Chancellor, Campus Architect

China Duff, Green New Deal Representative, Undergraduate Environmental Economics & Policy

Ruiji Sun, Student at Large, PhD candidate in Building Science, Technology and Sustainability, Department of Architecture

Oliver O’Reilly, Vice Provost for Undergraduate Education

David Robinson Chief Campus Counsel

David Romps, Professor, Earth and Planetary Science

Richard Stanton, Chair of CAPRA Designee, Professor of Finance & Real Estate, Haas

Nancy Wallace, Professor & Chair of the Real Estate Group, Haas 

Kathy Yelick, Vice Chancellor of Research

Berkeley Clean Energy Campus Team Members

Jack Chang,Ph.D. Candidate in the Energy and Resources Group

Diane Coppini, Director of Engineering and Technical Services, Facilities Services

John Fiske, Berkeley Clean Energy Campus Capital Projects Manager

Edited August 2023.

campanile window shot from inside tower

Campanile window photographed from inside the tower. 

Photo credit: UCOP